Saturday, December 31, 2005
" Once a little boy was asked: New Year's coming, what had you planned for the coming year?
Boy: Dunno leh, (sang) whatever will be will be...
well, sounds familiar isn't it? You'll see over the TV Sales ad or brochures or banners: make your New Year wish come true or Make a difference this New Year in the slimming body ad. These welcoming phrases may be for advertising purposes, however does these phrases too reflect your coming New Year?
Quite a number of us never really see the coming year as a New Year. Instead, Other than the New Year means fireworks and countdown parties, it meant another year gonna repeat itself again. Everytime during New Year eve's last few seconds, everyone surely doing countingdown (mostly b'cos of the neighbours noises thus i was kept awake). Soon enough the New Year had arrived and my hp sure keeps ringing and ringing, sms-recieved and sms-received. Sounds familiar? And even more familiar, those messages received are similar to those you got over the past few years: wish you good health, may your dreams come true etc. etc.
To think about it: hey! why the same wishes again?! Haven't i change a bit?
Seriously, yes, most of us didn't change much over the past few New Year(s) in anyway. To make things worst, you may realise you yourself may not seemed keen at all!!!
The lesson is have hope and more hope. I see every new Year as another sianz (boring) year. Things just couldn't change much. A New Year doesn't change a her into Stafenie Sun or change a he into Orlendo Bloom. I agree with that. However, that doesn't mean another New Year wish is crushed.
Instead of wishing urself to be Stafenie Sun or Orlendo Bloom, you can wish to become more perfect. A Fairy Godmother may not appear to change the World but you can change yourself. Be a better student, a more considerable sibling or a more understandable partner.
A New Yaer is coming and be ready to change youself. Remember: You can change the World, only after you changed youself!
A meaningful year ahead!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Hey world, do you know why are u sitting right in front of the monitor looking at this post? And do you know why this post could exists at the first place? Well I shall answer you these arousing questions... It;s because... TODAY IS THE GRAND OPENING OF Mu5t S33 Bl0g5pot!!!
I kiatz ( a nickname close to real name) is here officially announce the opening of this blog in December 30, 2005. This day is not only Eve of New Year;s eve, but also the 2nd last day of 2005 (sounds craps)!!
Anyway this blog is opened under a new name in order to be viewed for flexibly by more people, especially from Firemen to Police Cadets, Accountants to Cheif Executive of Security of United States, and from complete strangers (like u) to fellow bloggers (may be like u too!).
Secondly, this blog is created, to discuss any hot topics in the world (from what i know). Well, actually my area of discussion is Singapore only (there guess where i;m from!). I believe through my blog, many young friends like me out there, shall be more involved in present politics, economics and social interactions of Singapore to the world. And simultaneously, it;ll be eye-opening to view the much differences in comments and ideas of people around the world.
Lastly, I hope this blog can increase the social and global awareness to many topics that may/ may not affect us directly/ indirectly. And through such awareness, it can maximises interactions among different people around the world, bringing global cohesion and friendship.
This blog will not ended up like my previous one, but will be updated at least once a week on topics that will keep you gossip about, keep you discussing about, and most importantly, makes you think about.
Please leave comments everytime you feel something to say, somethings to discuss about, just make sure your words are clean, your speech is mature, and your meanings are wise. Simply just no spam or whatever vulgarities in here.
blogger ki4tz